The field hub describes the hub system currently leveraging much of the WISDEM way to design wind turbine hubs. This will change soon. In addition, the equivalent mass and inertia properties of the hub system can be listed in the field elastic_properties_mb.

        diameter: 7.94
        cone_angle: 0.06981317007977318 # 4 deg
        drag_coefficient: 0.5
        flange_t2shell_t: 6.0
        flange_OD2hub_D: 0.6
        flange_ID2OD: 0.8
        hub_blade_spacing_margin: 1.2
        hub_stress_concentration: 3.0
        n_front_brackets: 5
        n_rear_brackets: 5
        clearance_hub_spinner: 0.5
        spin_hole_incr: 1.2
        pitch_system_scaling_factor: 0.75
        spinner_gust_ws: 70.0
        hub_material: cast_iron
        spinner_material: glass_uni
diameterFloat, m

This is the outer diameter of the hub. It is also the diameter of the circle centered at the rotor apex and connecting the blade root centers.

cone_angleFloat, rad

This is the precone of the rotor. It is defined positive for standard upwind and downwind rotors.


This is the equivalent drag coefficient used to compute the aerodynamic forces generated by the hub immersed in the flow. Standard aeroelastic solvers use this parameter.

elastic_properties_mb.system_massFloat, kg

This is the overall mass of the hub system, which includes the hub itself, but also the spinner, the pitch system, the blade root bearings, and auxiliary equipment.

elastic_properties_mb.system_inertiaArray (6) of floats, kg*m2

Mass moments of inertia of the hub system. Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz are expressed around the hub center in hub-aligned coordinate system, which has x aligned with the main shaft pointing from the rotor apex towards the nacelle. Iyy and Izz are usually identical.

elastic_properties_mb.system_center_massArray (3) of floats, m

Coordinates of the center of mass of the hub with respect to the hub-aligned coordinate system.