
The field environment includes the data characterizing air and water.

    air_density: 1.225
    air_dyn_viscosity: 1.81e-5
    weib_shape_parameter: 2.
    air_speed_sound: 340.
    shear_exp: 0.12
    water_density: 1025.0
    water_dyn_viscosity: 1.3351e-3
    soil_shear_modulus: 140.e+6
    soil_poisson: 0.4
    water_depth: 30.0
    significant_wave_height: 4.52
    significant_wave_period: 9.45
air_densityFloat, kg/m3

Density of air.

air_dyn_viscosityFloat, kg/(m*s)

Dynamic viscosity of air.


Shape parameter of the Weibull wind distribution.

air_speed_soundFloat, m/s

Speed of sound in air.


Shear exponent of the wind.

water_densityFloat, kg/m3

Density of water.

water_dyn_viscosityFloat, kg/(m*s)

Dynamic viscosity of air.

soil_shear_modulusFloat, Pa

Shear modulus of the soil.


Poisson ratio of the soil.

water_depthFloat, m

Depth of the water at the site

significant_wave_heightFloat, m

Significant wave height at the site

significant_wave_periodFloat, m

Significant wave period at the site