Environment ------------ The field :code:`environment` includes the data characterizing air and water. .. literalinclude:: ../../test/turbine/IEA-15-240-RWT.yaml :start-after: environment :end-before: bos :code:`air_density` : Float, kg/m3 Density of air. :code:`air_dyn_viscosity` : Float, kg/(m*s) Dynamic viscosity of air. :code:`weib_shape_parameter` : Float Shape parameter of the Weibull wind distribution. :code:`air_speed_sound` : Float, m/s Speed of sound in air. :code:`shear_exp` : Float Shear exponent of the wind. :code:`water_density` : Float, kg/m3 Density of water. :code:`water_dyn_viscosity` : Float, kg/(m*s) Dynamic viscosity of air. :code:`soil_shear_modulus` : Float, Pa Shear modulus of the soil. :code:`soil_poisson` : Float Poisson ratio of the soil. :code:`water_depth` : Float, m Depth of the water at the site :code:`significant_wave_height` : Float, m Significant wave height at the site :code:`significant_wave_period` : Float, m Significant wave period at the site