
The site schema details the characteristics related to the physical site that the wind energy system is located at. These include human-defined properties such as wind enery area boundaries as well as natural phenomena, such as the wind energy resource available at the site. For the schema, required properties include name, boundaries, and energy_resource. For details on the properites, see below

name: IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 1+2, 16WT Plant Energy Site
            x: 0
            y: 0
        radius: 1300
energy_resource: !include ../plant_energy_resource/IEA37_case_study_1_2_energy_resource.yaml



Unique identifier of the wind energy site.


Nested dictionary structure of components composing the boundary of the site. Requires either a polygons or a circle definition. polygons is an object that contains an array of vertices that define a polygon shape. Multiple arrays can be supplied to represent multiple polygon boundaries. A circle object requires the center coordinates and the radius of the circle boundary. Examples of a polygons and a circle definition are given below.

            x: 0
            y: 0
        radius: 1300
    polygons: [
            x: [10363.8, 9449.7, 9387.0, 9365.1, 9360.8, 9361.5, 9361.3, 7997.6, 6098.3, 8450.3, 8505.4, 9133.0, 9332.8, 9544.2, 9739.0, 9894.9, 10071.8, 10106.9],
            y: [6490.3, 1602.2, 1056.6, 625.5, 360.2, 126.9, 137.1, 1457.9, 3297.5, 6455.3, 6422.3, 6127.4, 6072.6, 6087.1, 6171.2, 6316.9, 6552.5, 6611.1]
            x: [5588.4, 4670.7, 7274.9, 7369.9, 7455.1, 7606.5, 7638.9, 8297.1],
            y: [3791.3, 4680.2, 7940.8, 7896.2, 7784.3, 7713.0, 7708.4, 7398.9]
            x: [3267.1, 4164.1, 5749.8, 6054.7, 1468.5, 107.4],
            y: [10100.6, 9586.6, 9068.6, 8925.3, 7781.7, 9100.0]
            x: [6764.9, 4176.8, 2047.8],
            y: [8399.7, 5158.6, 7220.7]
            x: [8953.7, 7048.3, 6127.7, 4578.1, 4524.1],
            y: [11901.5, 9531.5, 9962.7, 10464.9, 10498.7]

Nested dictionary structure of components composing the exclusions within a site. Requires either a polygons or a circle definition, the same as boundaries.


Nested dictionary structure of components composing the energy resource for the site. For specific details on site parameters, see Energy Resource.


The bathymetry of a site describes the variations in depth in a water body at the wind energy system’s location. It can be an essential aspect when considering offshore wind farms, as it can influence the design, placement, and feasibility of the turbine foundation. The bathymetry is defined with two components:

coordinatesArray of Objects

An array representing the x and y coordinates associated with different depths. These coordinates describe the points in a grid or mesh that maps the underwater terrain.

depthArray of Numbers

An array representing the depth values at corresponding coordinates, measured in meters.


Three plant energy site examples are shown below, all taken from the IEA Wind Task 37 Layout Optimization Case Studies. Details of the case studies are given here.

IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 1+2, 16WT Plant Energy Site

In this example, the IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 1+2, 16WT Plant Energy Site is defined.

name: IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 1+2, 16WT Plant Energy Site
            x: 0
            y: 0
        radius: 1300
energy_resource: !include ../plant_energy_resource/IEA37_case_study_1_2_energy_resource.yaml

IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 3, 25WT Plant Energy Site

In this example, the IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 3, 25WT Plant Energy Site is defined.

name: IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 3, 25WT Wind Farm
    polygons: [
        x: [10363.8, 9449.7, 9387.0, 9365.1, 9360.8, 9361.5, 9361.3, 7997.6, 6098.3, 8450.3, 8505.4, 9133.0, 9332.8, 9544.2, 9739.0, 9894.9, 10071.8, 10106.9],
        y: [6490.3, 1602.2, 1056.6, 625.5, 360.2, 126.9, 137.1, 1457.9, 3297.5, 6455.3, 6422.3, 6127.4, 6072.6, 6087.1, 6171.2, 6316.9, 6552.5, 6611.1]
energy_resource: !include ../plant_energy_resource/IEA37_case_study_3_energy_resource.yaml

IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 4, 81WT Plant Energy Site

In this example, the IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 4, 81WT Plant Energy Site is defined.

name: IEA Wind Task 37 Case study 4, 81WT Wind Farm
    polygons: [
            x: [10363.8, 9449.7, 9387.0, 9365.1, 9360.8, 9361.5, 9361.3, 7997.6, 6098.3, 8450.3, 8505.4, 9133.0, 9332.8, 9544.2, 9739.0, 9894.9, 10071.8, 10106.9],
            y: [6490.3, 1602.2, 1056.6, 625.5, 360.2, 126.9, 137.1, 1457.9, 3297.5, 6455.3, 6422.3, 6127.4, 6072.6, 6087.1, 6171.2, 6316.9, 6552.5, 6611.1]
            x: [5588.4, 4670.7, 7274.9, 7369.9, 7455.1, 7606.5, 7638.9, 8297.1],
            y: [3791.3, 4680.2, 7940.8, 7896.2, 7784.3, 7713.0, 7708.4, 7398.9]
            x: [3267.1, 4164.1, 5749.8, 6054.7, 1468.5, 107.4],
            y: [10100.6, 9586.6, 9068.6, 8925.3, 7781.7, 9100.0]
            x: [6764.9, 4176.8, 2047.8],
            y: [8399.7, 5158.6, 7220.7]
            x: [8953.7, 7048.3, 6127.7, 4578.1, 4524.1],
            y: [11901.5, 9531.5, 9962.7, 10464.9, 10498.7]
energy_resource: !include ../plant_energy_resource/IEA37_case_study_4_energy_resource.yaml