Nacelle ==================== Like the hub, the field :code:`nacelle` describes the nacelle system by borrowing from the way WISDEM and its module DrivetrainSE designs the drivetrain. The two fields :code:`drivetrain` and :code:`generator` are defined. In addition, equivalent elastic properties can be added to the field :code:`elastic_properties_mb`. .. literalinclude:: ../../test/turbine/IEA-15-240-RWT.yaml :start-after: nacelle :end-before: tower drivetrain ------------------- :code:`uptilt` : Float, rad Angle between the main shaft and the horizontal plane. This is defined positive for both standard upwind and downwind turbines. :code:`distance_tt_hub` : Float, m Vertical distance between the top of the tower and the hub center. :code:`overhang` : Float, m Horizontal distance between the axis of the tower and the hub center. :code:`length` : Float, m Length of the nacelle, defined along the main shaft. :code:`height` : Float, m Height of the nacelle, defined along the direction perpendicular to the main shaft. :code:`width` : Float, m Width of the nacelle, defined horizontal and perpendicular to the main shaft. :code:`drag_coefficient` : Float This is the equivalent drag coefficient used to compute the aerodynamic forces generated by the nacelle immersed in the flow. Standard aeroelastic solvers use this parameter. :code:`gear_ratio` : Float Gear ratio of the gearbox. For direct drive generators, set this to 1. :code:`gearbox_efficiency` : Float Efficiency of the gearbox. This value is often around 0.95. :code:`elastic_properties_mb.system_mass` : Float, kg This is the overall mass of the nacelle system, which includes the main shaft, the drivetrain system, the generator, the nacelle cover, etc. This does not include the yaw system. :code:`elastic_properties_mb.yaw_mass` : Float, kg Mass of the yaw system. :code:`elastic_properties_mb.system_center_mass` : Float, m These are the coordinates of the center of mass of the nacelle, defined in yaw-aligned coordinate system, which has x horizontal pointing downwind, y horizontal pointing laterally, and z pointing vertically upwards. :code:`elastic_properties_mb.system_inertia` : Array (6) of floats, kg*m2 Mass moments of inertia of the nacelle system. Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz are expressed in the yaw-aligned coordinate system. :code:`elastic_properties_mb.system_inertia_tt` : Array (6) of floats, kg*m2 Mass moments of inertia of the nacelle system. Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz are expressed in the tower top coordinate system. generator ------------------- Work in progress.