Materials ------------ windIO defines a material database, which consists of a list of entries each marked by a dash. .. literalinclude:: ../../test/turbine/IEA-15-240-RWT.yaml :start-after: materials :end-before: control :code:`name` : String Name of the material :code:`description` : String Optional string to describe the material :code:`source` : String Optional string to describe the origin of the material, for example referencing a report or a paper :code:`orth` : Boolean Flag specifying whether a material is isotropic (0) or orthotropic (1). This determines whether some of the fields below are specified as a float or an array of floats. :code:`rho` : Float, kg/m3 Density of the material. For composites, this is the density of the laminate once cured. :code:`E` : Float (:code:`orth=0`), array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`), Pa Stiffness modulus. For orthotropic materials, it consists of an array with E11, E22, and E33 (see below about the reference system). :code:`G` : Float (:code:`orth=0`), array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`), Pa Shear stiffness modulus. For orthotropic materials, it consists of an array with G12, G13, and G23. :code:`nu` : Float (:code:`orth=0`), array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`) Poisson ratio. For orthotropic materials, it consists of an array with nu12, nu13, and nu23. :code:`Xt` : Float (:code:`orth=0`), array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`), Pa Ultimate tensile strength. For orthotropic materials, it consists of an array with Xt11, Xt22, and Xt33. :code:`Xc` : Float (:code:`orth=0`), array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`), Pa Ultimate compressive strength. For orthotropic materials, it consists of an array with Xc11, Xc22, and Xc33. Values are defined positive. :code:`Xy` : Float, Pa Ultimate yield strength. :code:`S` : Float (:code:`orth=0`), array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`), Pa Ultimate shear strength. For orthotropic materials, it consists of an array with S12, S13, and S23. Values are defined positive. :code:`alpha` : Float (:code:`orth=0`) or array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`), 1/K Thermal coefficient of expansion. For orthotropic materials, it consists of an array with alpha11, alpha22, and alpha33. :code:`GIc` : Float, J/m2 Mode 1 critical energy-release rate. :code:`GIIc` : Float, J/m2 Mode 2 critical energy-release rate. :code:`alp0` : Float, rad Fracture angle under pure transverse compression. :code:`fvf` : Float Fiber volume fraction of a composite material. The minimum values is 0 (only matrix), the maximum value is 1 (only fibers). :code:`fwf` : Float Fiber weight fraction of a composite material. The minimum values is 0 (only matrix), the maximum value is 1 (only fibers). :code:`ply_t` : Float Ply thickness of a composite material. The unit of measure is m. The actual laminate thickness is defined in the fields :code:`components`. :code:`unit_cost` : Float, $/kg Unit cost of the material. For composites, this is the unit cost of the dry fabric. :code:`fiber_density` : Float, kg/m3 Density of the fibers of a composite material. Standard glass fiber has a fiber density of approximately 2600 kg/m3, while standard carbon fiber has a fiber density of approximately 1800 kg/m3. :code:`A` : Float (:code:`orth=0`) or array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`) Fatigue S/N curve fitting parameter S=A*N^(-1/m). :code:`m` : Float (:code:`orth=0`) or array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`) Fatigue S/N curve fitting parameter S=A*N^(-1/m). :code:`R` : Float (:code:`orth=0`) or array of three floats (:code:`orth=1`) Fatigue stress ratio. :code:`area_density_dry` : Float, kg/m2 Aerial density of the fabric of a composite material. :code:`waste` : Float Fraction of material that ends up wasted during manufacturing. This quantity is used in the NREL blade cost model :code:`roll_mass` : Float, kg Mass of a roll of fabric. This quantity is used in the NREL blade cost model :code:`component_id` : Integer Flag to define the manufacturing process behind a laminates. It is used by the NREL blade cost model . 0 - coating, 1 - sandwich filler , 2 - shell skin, 3 - shear webs, 4 - spar caps, 5 - TE reinf. The schema enforces that the fields :code:`name`, :code:`orth`, :code:`rho`, :code:`E`, and :code:`nu` are specified. For composites, direction 1 is aligned with the main fiber direction, direction 2 is in the plane transverse to the fibers, and direction 3 is perspendicular to the laminate plane. Note that fiber angles are specified in :code:`internal_structure_2d_fem`.